
"Fitness and Health for Every Body, Every Day"


Everyday Epic Coaching is an online platform for transformation through fitness and nutrition. We work with clients of all fitness levels who want to change their habits and improve their lives. Through personalized strength programming and the Whole30 program, we help people change their habits and mindset around fitness and nutrition.  

We don't believe in crazy diets or calorie restriction. We don't believe in killing ourselves in the gym. We don't believe in hating ourselves thinner/fitter/better. 

We do believe in trusting what our bodies tell us. We believe in getting in quality workouts. We believe in preparing our own food. We believe in many small changes that add up to big transformations. We believe that everyone can achieve their goals, and that it's never too late to start. We believe that all this takes work, and that it is totally worth the effort! 

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The Whole30 program is a 30 day reset for your nutrition, habits, mindset and health. Learn how your body feels eating whole, nutrient dense foods while eliminating foods that could be causing inflammation or other issues in your body. The first 30 days are the foundation on which you can build a lifetime of healthy habits to nourish your body and mind. 


Strength Training

Strength means different things to different people. To us, strength means we can do the activities we want to do, that we are capable of reaching the goals we set for ourselves. It means we can lift weights, ride a bike, carry our kids around, and bring in the groceries easily. Strength means when our bodies get uncomfortable we don't give up, we persevere. It means we are able to stay positive in tough situations, still finding reasons to smile.